"About" written in magenta text with a yellow shadow. It glitches every so often and a yellow bar rolls over it from top to bottom.
An animated gif of a dark magenta worm-like creature with a mouth on its front and two arms. It rotates around and then leans upward twice.
A windows XP style error window. The text reads "ALL ABOUT ME!!!" in black capital letters. The icon to the left of it is a mouth smiling.

NAME[S]: Ven/Clown/ ContraptionPRONOUNS: They/ItAGE: 18

A green translucent 3D skull and cross-bones spinning slowly
A windows XP style error window. The text reads "USE BOTH MY PRONOUN SETS PLZ!!" in black capital letters. The icon to the left of it is a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it.
A bar of rainbow colors

HIII I'm Ven!I'm a funny little guy and make art of many kinds (visual and music mainly) sometimes.
I love zoology and horror a lot!! I have a ton of other things I like too but that's a very long list lol.

Also if you were wondering, my carrd url is a reference to a song from a game.

A purple skeletal hand pointing right and slightly moving back and forth. Clicking this will take you to the next page.
A windows XP style error window. The text reads "DON'T INTERACT WITH ME IF ANY OF THIS APPLIES TO YOU" in black capital letters. The icon to the left of it is a purple book with a question mark on it.

>You fall under standard DNI criteria>You are involved in or support NFTs or AI "art">You unironically support or partake in cringe culture>You are under 13

Two large eyes looking downward. The pupils are slits, and the sclera have a red-to-yellow gradient. The eyes occasionally blink slowly.
A purple skeletal hand pointing left and slightly moving back and forth. Clicking this will take you to the previous page.
A purple skeletal hand pointing right and slightly moving back and forth. Clicking this will take you to the next page.
A windows XP style error window. The text reads "HERE'S SOME THINGS TO KNOW" in black capital letters. The icon to the left of it is a yellow floppy-disk.

>I'm fine with "spam"-liking/resharing!>I often take a while to reply to messages, and just do things in general; so don't worry, I'm not purposefully ignoring you! My brain is just goopy.>I sometimes post or reshare things like horror art and insect pictures, I do my best to always tag/give warnings but still, be careful if need be>(Unless specifically stated otherwise,) Do not use or repost my art without asking me and getting my explicit permission first. Credit is also a must.
Though, if you want to use my art as your pfp on discord or something that's fine; in that case credit is appreciated but not required.
>Please tell me if I did something wrong!>Always feel free to ask me to tag stuff!

A 3D animation of a dolphin poking its front half out of the water and swaying around.
A purple skeletal hand pointing left and slightly moving back and forth. Clicking this will take you to the previous page.
A purple skeletal hand pointing right and slightly moving back and forth. Clicking this will take you to the next page.
A windows XP style error window. The text reads "HERE'S WHERE YOU CAN FIND ME!!" in black capital letters. The icon to the left of it is a computer and keyboard.

>Art Fight: vennitrii>Bandcamp: ZombiiBrainz>Curious Cat: vennitrii>Instagram: weevile_>Tumblr: vennitrii>Twitter: vennitrii>Youtube (main): VENNITRII -YT>Youtube (music): ZombiiBrainz

A set of purple glittery demon-like wings
A purple skeletal hand pointing left and slightly moving back and forth. Clicking this will take you to the previous page.
A simple 3d house with white walls, a red roof, a yellow door, blue windows, and a brown chimney. It is spinning around slowly